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The Benefits of Flexible Seating in the Classroom

By Phillip Vaughan May 16, 2023 0 comments

If you’re a teacher like me, pretty sure you’re also on the lookout for different innovative ways to enhance your student’s learning experience. After all, being an educator is a calling that we intend to make a lifelong impact in our learner’s lives.  
I have tried different ways and strategies to make my classroom conducive and comfortable for learners, and I’m thankful to be able to find out about flexible seating. It is a wonderful approach that I personally found to be effective for my student’s learning experience. 

What is flexible seating?
In case this rings fresh to your hearing, flexible seating is a teaching method that enables students to select how and where they sit during your class. So instead of being seated on a traditional desk or armchair, your student can actually have a seating option from seats that include floor cushions, wobble stools, and portable lap desks

What are the benefits of flexible seating?
Flexible seating is gaining popularity because of the many benefits it brings to students and teachers. In this blog, let me break down these different benefits that flexible seating can bring to your classroom. 

Promotes a relaxed and comfortable learning environment

With a flexible seating arrangement, students can choose a seat that works for them. This choice enables them to feel comfortable and relaxed, thereby promoting a sense of focus in their class-related output. The flexibility also strengthens their sense of confidence in making choices while being able to find a supportive seat.
In contrast, traditional chairs or desks could be uncomfortable for some students as they would get to sit in the same position for an extended period of time. This sitting position could even cause discomfort or pain. Even thinking back to our own days as students, I think we can all agree seating in the classroom wasn't there for comfort!

Improves posture and core strength
One example of a flexible seating product is the wobble stool or balance ball, which, when seated on, would require the person’s use of core muscles in order to stay balanced. Because the student is able to move their seats, their posture and core muscles are regularly exercised so that they learn how to increase their balance and support their posture. 

Increases interactions and collaborations
With a flexible seating arrangement, students are able to select how they are seated and where they can get seated. This means that they could move around the classroom when they need to, and have the opportunity to interact with their classmates and be part of collaborative learning activities. When a sense of collaboration is nurtured in a classroom, students could also learn to work together and achieve a common learning goal. 

Reduces classroom disruptions
This may seem counter-intuitive, but when classes are set in a flexible seating arrangement, classroom disruptions may also be reduced as students get more comfortable and more engaged with their assigned work. As the students find themselves more involved in their learning progress, they are also more likely to be responsible in their assigned tasks and keep on doing it, thus minimizing distracting their classmates. 

How can teachers adapt a flexible seating in their classroom?
Being a teacher myself, I understand that introducing the flexible seating in your classroom may require a huge amount of change, planning, and preparation. Here are some tips that I have found to help teachers integrate this kind of change in their own classrooms. 
✔ Teachers need to introduce variety in these flexible seating options in order to meet the variety of students’ needs as well. 
✔ Teachers must introduce a clear set of guidelines and expectations when it comes to using the different seating options. 
✔ Teachers should also consider how to manage the classroom movement when students transition between seats. 

In conclusion…
In searching for flexible seating, I have found different flexible seating products that I believe are effective in my classroom. These include round floor cushions, wobble stools, and portable lap desks

Round floor cushions are ideal for students who prefer to sit on the floor. These cushions can also be easily stacked and stored when not in use. Meanwhile, wobble stools are great for learners who need to move and engage their core muscles. These kinds of seats also come in different sizes in order to fit students of all ages. On the other hand, portable lap desks are best for students who prefer to work independently, as these seats can be easily moved from one location to another.

Regardless of the seating option you provide for your learner, what’s important is that you are focused on providing a seating arrangement that would maximize their learning experience. While the flexible seating needs planning and preparation on your part, the benefits of implementing it could be well worth your effort.

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